Post Traumatic Stress Release

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome, (PTSS) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are more common than most people would believe, and are the hidden cause of many behavioral and emotional problems.

It’s usually associated with soldiers, police officers, firemen, or crisis response workers. But the truth is that you know someone in your life right now who is suffering from PTSS or PTSD. The aunt who cries often, the spouse who suddenly gains weight, the uncle or brother who can’t hold a job or who drinks too much, the friend who can’t move past grief or loss are often suffering from PTSD. The human body is amazingly good at managing trauma in the moment of crisis, but there is no automatic internal mechanism to turn the body back off from that crisis response. So the body remains in a high alert adrenaline response. Traumatic events may replay over and over in memory because the body is attempting to process and release them. The body simply doesn’t recognize that the crisis event is over. If the crisis was over a long duration, such as a divorce, a death, or bankruptcy as examples, the body becomes habituated to that stress response and loses the capacity to self reset.

Life stress that can bring on PTSD or Long Term Stress Syndrome (LTSS) can be common events . These events can be car accidents, serious injury, death, surgery, loss of any kind, noise stress, a difficult birth or delivery, illness, illness of a family member, on-the-job stress, relationship trauma or financial stress.

It’s common for an individual suffering from shock syndrome to self medicate with alcohol or drugs, o. Or to rely upon prescription drugs to attain a sense of normalcy. This can work for a while, even for a long period of time, but the individual has lost resilience. The body/mind has used up all of it’s capacity for stress adaptation, and now the slightest stress or change of routine can evoke an irritable or histrionic response. A healthy person is calm and reasonably healthy. They take the little slings and arrows of daily life in stride and even laugh and joke about the daily irritations. A person who has embedded shock or stress reacts with extreme anger or depression to stimuli that a healthy person can easily ignore. They can find it difficult to relate to people and impossible to have fun, to simply enjoy themselves. Often they lose function, because any repetitious or less engaging routine such as housework, yard work or even driving gives their mind an opportunity to bring up the unhealed emotions. They might sleep for extra hours, play video games excessively, or lay around and watch TV to keep the mind engaged and the emotions at bay. They might stuff themselves with comfort food to keep the depressing thought and emotions from surfacing. They might indulge in excessive sex, masturbation, or extremes of physical exercise or sleeplessness and hyperactivity. Their world might resemble a fantasy where they have unusual powers, abilities, or the potential to “win the lottery” to resolve all of their problems, using “magical thinking” to escape from the stress of reality.

Medications such as anti-depressants can work for a while, and can sometimes be an essential crutch in the healing process. They are a short term solution, though. Because the body mind is determined to heal and it will keep offering up the trauma until it breaks through the chemical barriers. Talk therapy is helpful and it can help them to understand how self destructive their coping mechanisms have become, but it can’t reset the body back to normal function. Rapid Eye Movement therapy has shown some promise in helping people to recover from PTSD. But it’s an accidental discovery and the mechanism behind it is speculative, and the results can be erratic. Nutritional supplements can help and they are an essential part of the healing process to prevent illness, but by themselves they can’t resolve the internal crisis.

What does work for resolving Post Traumatic Shock Disorder (PTSD) and Long Term Stress Syndrome (LTSS) is to resolve the issues from the inside. Releasing the material from the emotional body and the unconscious mind allows the body to reset the stress level. Each level of “reset” allows a higher level of daily functioning. To an energy healer, trauma looks like a wound inside the aura. That wound can be released and new energy can be added in to create more positive emotions. The traumatic memories can be modified to be a neutral event. The subconscious mind can be reprogrammed to hold positive and functional belief sets. As the body mind heals the negative habits gradually release as they are no longer needed. When the body finally recognizes that the crisis is over the individual becomes resilient once more and life become enjoyable.

Any memory can be neutralized in the body mind….the brutality of war, witnessing a death, the moment of loss of love…any memory. The memory is retained but all emotional content is neutral. There is simply no emotional response. Memory says that the event happened, but there is no “charge” to the event. Without the blockage of the charged memory the energy of the body flows smoothly and there is no associated stress. It is similar to remembering a tooth ache. You know that it happened, know that it hurt, know that you needed a specialist to release the pain, but it’s just a memory and not a current pain or problem. With the memory neutralized, PTSD is a resolved issue and no longer present in the body.